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A Multicultural School for multicultural Australia

We are establishing a K–12 Sikh ethos school (1300 students) in Rouse Hill NSW, Australia, a not-for-profit charitable organisation based on Sikh ethos. State-of-the Art modern technology-equipped, energy efficient and flexible facilities across the board demonstrating social amenity and building quality. Early Learning Centre to have 86 children.

Academic, sporting and spiritual excellence

We will develop all round ability and personality of our next generation. This school will invest time, attention and money to create leaders of tomorrow in all fields by creating special focus areas based on the interest of the students and their families and invite specialists in the field to achieve this ambitious goal. Academically, we will strive to better the results currently secured by NSW selective schools.


Your donations are tax deductible and you could sponsor any part or function of the school. The school will be built in stages with stage one to cost about $6M. Most of it will come from the sale of land, but the shortfall will need to be supplemented by your donations. Over $7M have already been spent on the project, $2M of which is a loan and the balance donated by you. Current policy of Australian governments is that new schools are not provided any funding until they start operations.

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